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Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in A-frame

author: Paulo Henrique Siqueira - Universidade Federal do Paraná
versão em português

List of polyhedra

Archimedean and Catalan convex hulls

Name 3D model Video Immersive room
Joined truncated tetrahedron 3D model video immersive room
Joined cuboctahedron 3D model video
Joined Truncated Octahedron 3D model video
Joined Truncated Cube 3D model video
Joined Rhombicuboctahedron 3D model video
Joined Snub Cube 3D model video
Joined Icosidodecahedron 3D model video
Joined Truncated Cuboctahedron 3D model video
Joined Truncated Icosahedron 3D model video
Joined Truncated Dodecahedron 3D model video
Joined Rhombicosidodecahedron 3D model video
Joined Snub Dodecahedron 3D model video
Joined Truncated Icosidodecahedron 3D model video

Platonic polyhedra fractals

Name 3D model Video Immersive room
Fractal tetrahedron 3D model video immersive room
Fractal octahedron 3D model video
Fractal cube 3D model video
Fractal icosahedron 3D model video immersive room
Fractal dodecahedron 3D model video
Tetrahedron dragon fractal 3D model video immersive room
Fractal tree 3D model video
Fractal tree with dodecahedrons 3D model video immersive room
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Cube v1 3D model video immersive room
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Cube v2 3D model video
Mosely snowflake: Cube 3D model video
Fractal tree with icosahedrons 3D model video
Tetrahedron dragon fractal (3 rotations) 3D model video immersive room
Cube dragon fractal 3D model video
Octahedron dragon fractal 3D model video
Icosahedron dragon fractal 3D model video
Dodecahedron dragon fractal 3D model video

Non convex polyhedra fractals

Name 3D model Video Immersive room
Escher solid fractal 3D model video immersive room
Small stellated dodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Great stellated dodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Great icosahedron fractal 3D model video immersive room
Great dodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Great stellapentakis dodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Pentagramic dipyramid fractal 3D model video immersive room
Medial triambic icosahedron fractal 3D model video
Great rhombic triacontahedron fractal 3D model video
Medial rhombic triacontahedron fractal 3D model video immersive room
Small ditrigonal dodecacronic hexecontahedron fractal 3D model video
Rhombicosacron fractal 3D model video
Small hexacronic icositetrahedron fractal 3D model video immersive room
Great triakis octahedron fractal 3D model video
Great disdyakis dodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Small rhombidodecacron fractal 3D model video
Great triakis icosahedron fractal 3D model video
Great truncated icosahedron fractal 3D model video
Pentagrammic dipyramid fractal 3D model video
Heptagrammic dipyramid fractal 3D model video
Great pentakis dodecahedron fractal 3D model video immersive room
Icosidodecadodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Rhombicosahedron fractal 3D model video
Medial inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron fractal 3D model video
Heptagrammic dipyramid fractal 3D model video
Hexagonal trapezohedron-antiprism toroid fractal 3D model video
Tetragonal toroid fractal 3D model video immersive room
Hexagonal trapezohedron toroid fractal 3D model video
Hexagonal antiprism-trapezohedron toroid fractal 3D model video
Anti-octagonal iris toroid fractal 3D model video
Geometric Christmas tree v1 3D model video immersive room
Geometric Christmas tree v2 3D model video
Geometric Christmas tree v3 3D model video
Geometric Christmas tree v4 3D model video
Geometric Christmas tree v5 3D model video
Geometric Christmas tree v6 3D model video
Geometric Christmas tree v7 3D model video

Archimedean polyhedra fractals

Name 3D model Video Immersive room
Cuboctahedron fractal 3D model video immersive room
Icosidodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Rhombicosidodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Rhombicuboctahedron fractal 3D model video immersive room
Snub cube fractal 3D model video
Snub dodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Truncated cuboctahedron fractal 3D model video
Truncated cube fractal 3D model video immersive room
Truncated dodecahedron fractal 3D model video
Truncated icosahedron fractal 3D model video
Truncated icosidodecahedron fractal 3D model video immersive room
Truncated octahedron fractal 3D model video
Truncated tetrahedron fractal 3D model video
Menger sponge: Snub cube 3D model video immersive room
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Snub cube v1 3D model video
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Snub cube v2 3D model video
Mosely snowflake: Snub cube 3D model video
Menger sponge: Truncated cube 3D model video
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Truncated cube v1 3D model video
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Truncated cube v2 3D model video
Mosely snowflake: Truncated cube 3D model video
Menger sponge: Rhombicuboctahedron 3D model video
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Rhombicuboctahedron v1 3D model video
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Rhombicuboctahedron v2 3D model video
Mosely snowflake: Rhombicuboctahedron 3D model video
Menger sponge: Cuboctahedron 3D model video
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Cuboctahedron v1 3D model video
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Cuboctahedron v2 3D model video
Mosely snowflake: Cuboctahedron 3D model video
Menger sponge: Truncated cuboctahedron 3D model video
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Truncated cuboctahedron v1 3D model video
Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Truncated cuboctahedron v2 3D model video
Mosely snowflake: Truncated cuboctahedron 3D model video

Chamfered polyhedra

Name 3D model Video Immersive room
Chamfered tetrahedron 3D model video immersive room
Chamfered cube 3D model video
Chamfered octahedron 3D model video
Chamfered icosahedron 3D model video
Chamfered dodecahedron 3D model video
Chamfered truncated icosahedron 3D model video

Propellor polyhedra

Name 3D model Video Immersive room
Propellor tetrahedron 3D model video immersive room
Propellor cube 3D model video
Propellor octahedron 3D model video
Propellor icosahedron 3D model video
Propellor dodecahedron 3D model video
Propellor truncated octahedron 3D model video
Propellor tetrakis hexahedron 3D model video
Propellor snub cube 3D model video
Propellor pentagonal icositetrahedron 3D model video
Propellor truncated cuboctahedron 3D model video
Propellor disdyakis dodecahedron 3D model video
Propellor truncated icosahedron 3D model video
Propellor pentakis dodecahedron 3D model video
Propellor truncated icosidodecahedron 3D model video
Propellor truncated icosidodecahedron 3D model video

Diamond polyhedra

Name 3D model Video Immersive room
Diamond triangular cupola 3D model video immersive room
Diamond square cupola 3D model video
Diamond pentagonal cupola 3D model video
Diamond pentagonal rotunda 3D model video
Diamond pentagonal dipyramid 3D model video
Diamond hexagonal dipyramid 3D model video
Diamond heptagonal dipyramid 3D model video
Diamond octagonal dipyramid 3D model video
Diamond square antiprism 3D model video
Diamond pentagonal antiprism 3D model video
Diamond hexagonal antiprism 3D model video
Diamond heptagonal antiprism 3D model video
Diamond octagonal antiprism 3D model video immersive room
Diamond mirror square antiprism 3D model video
Diamond mirror pentagonal antiprism 3D model video
Diamond mirror hexagonal antiprism 3D model video
Diamond mirror heptagonal antiprism 3D model video
Diamond mirror octagonal antiprism 3D model video
Augmented tridiminished icosahedron 3D model video
Diamond augmented truncated tetrahedron 3D model video
Diamond truncated snub square antiprism 3D model video
Diamond triangular hebesphenorotunda 3D model video
Diamond truncated triangular hebesphenorotunda v1 3D model video
Diamond truncated triangular hebesphenorotunda v2 3D model video
Diamond truncated dodecahedron 3D model video immersive room
Diamond truncated square pyramid 3D model video
Diamond truncated pentagonal pyramid 3D model video
Diamond truncated hexagonal pyramid 3D model video
Diamond truncated heptagonal pyramid 3D model video
Diamond truncated octagonal pyramid 3D model video
Diamond truncated disdyakis dodecahedron 3D model video
Diamond truncated triakis icosahedron 3D model video
Diamond truncated pentakis dodecahedron 3D model video
Diamond truncated pentagonal hexecontahedron 3D model video

Biscribed polyhedra

Name 3D model Video Immersive room
Biscribed truncated octahedron 3D model video immersive room
Biscribed tetrakis hexahedron 3D model video
Biscribed truncated cuboctahedron 3D model video
Biscribed disdyakis dodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed truncated icosahedron 3D model video
Biscribed pentakis dodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed truncated icosidodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed disdyakis triacontahedron 3D model video
Biscribed snub cube 3D model video
Biscribed pentagonal icositetrahedron 3D model video
Biscribed snub dodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed pentagonal hexecontahedron 3D model video
Biscribed orthotruncated propellor octahedron 3D model video
Biscribed orthokis propellor cube 3D model video immersive room
Biscribed orthotruncated propellor icosahedron 3D model video
Biscribed orthokis propellor dodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor cube 3D model video
Biscribed propellor octahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor dodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor icosahedron 3D model video
Biscribed hexpropellor cube 3D model video
Biscribed tetrakis snub cube 3D model video
Biscribed hexpropellor dodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed pentakis snub dodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor truncated octahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor tetrakis hexahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor truncated cuboctahedron 3D model video immersive room
Biscribed propellor disdyakis dodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor truncated icosahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor pentakis dodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor truncated icosidodecahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor disdyakis triacontahedron 3D model video
Biscribed snub truncated octahedron 3D model video
Biscribed dual snub truncated octahedron 3D model video
Biscribed snub truncated icosahedron 3D model video
Biscribed dual snub truncated icosahedron 3D model video
Biscribed propellor snub cube 3D model video
Biscribed propellor pentagonal icositetrahedron 3D model video

Licença Creative Commons
Polyhedra 2: Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality by Paulo Henrique Siqueira is licensed with a license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.

How to cite this work:

Siqueira, P.H., "Polyhedra 2: Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality". Available in: <>, October 2023.


Weisstein, Eric W. “Archimedean Solid” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Platonic Solid” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Catalan Solid” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Uniform Polyhedron.” From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Fractal” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Johnson Solid” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
McCooey, David I. “Visual Polyhedra”.