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Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in A-frame

author: Paulo Henrique Siqueira - Universidade Federal do Paraná
versão em português

Chamfered polyhedra

We define the operation of “chamfering” as a truncation along the edges of a polyhedron. A chamfered polyhedron, also known as an egde-truncated polyhedron, is a polyhedron constructed from an original polyhedron by moving faces outward while retaining the original vertices, thus creating a new hexagon, in general not regular, in place of each original edge. On this page we have Plato’s polyhedra and an Archimedes polyhedron “chamfered”. The polyhedra obtained with the chamfer operation have all edges of the same length.

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Immersive room

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Augmented Reality

To view chamfered polyhedra in AR, simply visit:

with any browser with a webcam device (smartphone, tablet or notebook).
Access to the VR sites is done by clicking on the blue circle that appears on top of the marker.

Augmented Reality to chamfered polyhedra

Augmented Reality to chamfered polyhedra

3D models

1. Chamfered tetrahedron

Chamfered Tetrahedron

A chamfered tetrahedron, also known as the alternate truncated cube, is a polyhedron obtained by chamfering a regular tetrahedron. An equilateral chamfered tetrahedron may be constructed by appropriate choice of the edge length ratio for chamfering.

Faces: 4 equilateral triangles and 6 mirror-symmetric hexagons | Edges: 24 | Vertices: 16. More…

2. Chamfered cube

Chamfered cube

A chamfered cube, also called truncated rhombic dodecahedron or tetratruncated rhombic dodecahedron, is a polyhedron obtained by chamfering a cube. An equilateral chamfered cube may be constructed by appropriate choice of the edge length ratio for chamfering.

Faces: 6 squares and 12 mirror-symmetric hexagons | Edges: 48 | Vertices: 32. More…

3. Chamfered octahedron

Chamfered octahedron

A chamfered octahedron, also called tritruncated rhombic dodecahedron, is a polyhedron obtained by chamfering a regular octahedron. An equilateral chamfered octahedron may be constructed by appropriate choice of the edge length ratio for chamfering.

Faces: 8 equilateral triangles and 12 mirror-symmetric hexagons | Edges: 48 | Vertices: 30. More…

4. Chamfered icosahedron

Chamfered icosahedron

A chamfered icosahedron, also called a tritruncated rhombic triacontahedron, is a polyhedron obtained by chamfering a regular icosahedron. An equilateral chamfered icosahedron may be constructed by appropriate choice of the edge length ratio for chamfering.

Faces: 20 equilateral triangles and 30 mirror-symmetric hexagons | Edges: 120 | Vertices: 72. More…

5. Chamfered dodecahedron

Chamfered dodecahedron

A chamfered dodecahedron, also called truncated rhombic triacontahedron or pentatruncated rhombic triacontahedron, is a polyhedron obtained by chamfering a regular dodecahedron. An equilateral chamfered dodecahedron may be constructed by appropriate choice of the edge length ratio for chamfering.

Faces: 12 regular pentagons and 30 mirror-symmetric hexagons | Edges: 120 | Vertices: 80. More…

6. Chamfered truncated icosahedron

Chamfered truncated icosahedron

A chamfered truncated icosahedron is a polyhedron obtained by chamfering a regular truncated icosahedron. An equilateral chamfered truncated icosahedron may be constructed by appropriate choice of the edge length ratio for chamfering.

Faces: 12 regular pentagons, 20 regular hexagons and 90 mirror-symmetric hexagons | Edges: 360 | Vertices: 240. More…

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Licença Creative Commons
Chamfered polyhedra - Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality by Paulo Henrique Siqueira is licensed with a license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.

How to cite this work:

Siqueira, P.H., "Chamfered polyhedra - Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality". Available in: <>, November 2023.


Weisstein, Eric W. “Archimedean Solid” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Platonic Solid” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Chamfered Polyhedron” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
McCooey, David I. “Visual Polyhedra”.