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Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in A-frame

author: Paulo Henrique Siqueira - Universidade Federal do Paraná
versão em português

Archimedean polyhedra fractals

Using the same principle as the construction of the Sierpinski triangle or the Koch curve, we can construct fractals from other regular polygons. When these polygons form a polyhedron, we have the construction of a fractal polyhedron.

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Augmented Reality

To view fractal polyhedra in AR, simply visit the pages indicated in the 3D solid models using any browser with a webcam device (smartphone, tablet or notebook).
Access to the VR sites is done by clicking on the blue circle that appears on top of the marker.

Augmented Reality to fractal polyhedra

Augmented Reality to fractal polyhedra

3D models

1. Cuboctahedron fractal

Cuboctahedron fractal

Applying the construction Sierpinski principle to square faces of the cuboctahedron, we obtain a cuboctahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 14 24 12
1 12 168 288 144
2 144 2016 3456 1728
3 1728 24192 41472 20736

2. Icosidodecahedron fractal

Icosidodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to triangular faces of the icosidodecahedron, we obtain a icosidodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each triangular face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 32 60 30
1 21 672 1260 630
2 441 14112 26460 13230
3 9261 296352 555660 277830

3. Rhombicosidodecahedron fractal

Rhombicosidodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to pentagonal faces of the rhombicosidodecahedron, we obtain a rhombicosidodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each pentagonal face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 62 120 60
1 13 806 1560 780
2 169 10478 20280 10140
3 2197 136214 263640 131820

4. Rhombicuboctahedron fractal

rhombicuboctahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to triangular faces of the rhombicuboctahedron, we obtain a rhombicuboctahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each triangular face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 26 48 24
1 9 234 432 216
2 81 2106 3888 1944
3 729 18954 34992 17496

5. Snub cube fractal

Snub cube fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to square faces of the snub cube, we obtain a snub cube fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each square face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 38 60 24
1 7 266 420 168
2 49 1862 2940 1176
3 343 13034 20580 8232
4 2401 91238 144060 57624

6. Snub dodecahedron fractal

Snub dodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to pentagonal faces of the snub dodecahedron, we obtain a snub dodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each pentagonal face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 92 150 60
1 13 1196 1950 780
2 169 15548 25350 10140
3 2197 202124 329550 131820

7. Truncated cuboctahedron fractal

Truncated cuboctahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to square faces of the truncated cuboctahedron, we obtain a truncated cuboctahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each square face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 26 72 48
1 13 338 936 624
2 169 4394 12168 8112
3 2197 57122 158184 105456

8. Truncated cube fractal

Truncated cube fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to triangular faces of the truncated cube, we obtain a truncated cube fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each triangular face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 14 36 24
1 9 126 324 216
2 81 1134 2916 1944
3 729 10206 26244 17496

9. Truncated dodecahedron fractal

Truncated dodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to triangular faces of the truncated dodecahedron, we obtain a truncated dodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each triangular face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 32 150 60
1 21 672 3150 1260
2 441 14112 66150 26460
3 9261 296352 1389150 555660

10. Truncated icosahedron fractal

Truncated icosahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to pentagonal faces of the truncated icosahedron, we obtain a truncated icosahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each pentagonal face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 32 90 60
1 13 416 1170 780
2 169 5408 15210 10140
3 2197 70304 197730 131820

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11. Truncated icosidodecahedron fractal

Truncated icosidodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to decagonal faces of the truncated icosidodecahedron, we obtain a truncated icosidodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each decagonal face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 62 180 120
1 13 806 2340 1560
2 169 10478 30420 20280
3 2197 136214 395460 263640
4 2401 33614 86436 57624

12. Truncated octahedron fractal

Truncated octahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to square faces of the truncated octahedron, we obtain a truncated octahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each square face of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 14 36 24
1 7 98 252 168
2 49 686 1764 1176
3 343 4802 12348 8232
4 343 4802 12348 8232

13. Truncated tetrahedron fractal

Truncated tetrahedron fractal

Applying the construction Sierpinski principle to each triangular face vertex of the truncated tetrahedron, we obtain a truncated tetrahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 8 18 12
1 12 96 216 144
2 144 1152 2592 1728
3 1728 13824 31104 20736

14. Menger sponge: Snub cube

Menger sponge - Snub cube

Applying the construction principle of the Sierpinski carpet to the 6 square faces of the snub cube, we obtain a fractal snub cube. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct 8 new solids on each square face of the original polyhedron, all with ⅓ the measurement of the snub cube’s edge. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

15. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Snub cube v1

Snub Cube - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a snub cube. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner snub cubes and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate snub cubes to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic snub cubes with an aspect ratio of ⅖ and 12 homothetic snub cubes with a proportion of ⅕.

16. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Snub cube v2

Snub Cube - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a snub cube. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner snub cubes and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate snub cubes to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic snub cubes with an aspect ratio of √2 - 1 and 12 homothetic snub cubes with a proportion of (√2 - 1)².

17. Mosely snowflake: Snub cube

Mosely snowflake - Snub Cube

The Mosely snowflake is a type of Sierpinski-Menger fractal obtained in two variants by the operation used in creating the Sierpinski-Menger snowflake. In this case, we removed eight corner snub cubes and the center snub cube in each iteration.

18. Menger sponge: Truncated cube

Menger sponge - Truncated cube

Applying the construction principle of the Sierpinski carpet to the 6 octagonal faces of the truncated cube, we obtain a fractal truncated cube. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct 8 new solids on each octagonal face of the original polyhedron, all with ⅓ the measurement of the truncated cube’s edge. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

19. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Truncated cube v1

Truncated Cube - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a truncated cube. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner truncated cubes and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate truncated cubes to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic truncated cubes with an aspect ratio of ⅖ and 12 homothetic truncated cubes with a proportion of ⅕.

20. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Truncated cube v2

Truncated Cube - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a truncated cube. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner truncated cubes and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate truncated cubes to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic truncated cubes with an aspect ratio of √2 - 1 and 12 homothetic truncated cubes with a proportion of (√2 - 1)².

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21. Mosely snowflake: Truncated cube

Mosely snowflake - Truncated Cube

The Mosely snowflake is a type of Sierpinski-Menger fractal obtained in two variants by the operation used in creating the Sierpinski-Menger snowflake. In this case, we removed eight corner truncated cubes and the center truncated cube in each iteration.

22. Menger sponge: Rhombicuboctahedron

Menger sponge - Rhombicuboctahedron

Applying the construction principle of the Sierpinski carpet to 6 square faces of the rhombicuboctahedron, we obtain a fractal rhombicuboctahedron. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct 8 new solids on square faces of the original polyhedron, all with ⅓ the measurement of the rhombicuboctahedron’s edge. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

23. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Rhombicuboctahedron v1

Rhombicuboctahedron - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a rhombicuboctahedron. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner rhombicuboctahedrons and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate rhombicuboctahedrons to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic rhombicuboctahedrons with an aspect ratio of ⅖ and 12 homothetic rhombicuboctahedrons with a proportion of ⅕.

24. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Rhombicuboctahedron v2

Rhombicuboctahedron - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a rhombicuboctahedron. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner rhombicuboctahedrons and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate rhombicuboctahedrons to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic rhombicuboctahedrons with an aspect ratio of √2 - 1 and 12 homothetic rhombicuboctahedrons with a proportion of (√2 - 1)².

25. Mosely snowflake: Rhombicuboctahedron

Mosely snowflake - Rhombicuboctahedron

The Mosely snowflake is a type of Sierpinski-Menger fractal obtained in two variants by the operation used in creating the Sierpinski-Menger snowflake. In this case, we removed eight corner rhombicuboctahedrons and the center rhombicuboctahedron in each iteration.

26. Menger sponge: Cuboctahedron

Menger sponge - Cuboctahedron

Applying the construction principle of the Sierpinski carpet to 6 square faces of the cuboctahedron, we obtain a fractal cuboctahedron. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct 8 new solids on square faces of the original polyhedron, all with ⅓ the measurement of the cuboctahedron’s edge. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

27. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Cuboctahedron v1

Cuboctahedron - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a cuboctahedron. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner cuboctahedrons and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate cuboctahedrons to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic cuboctahedrons with an aspect ratio of ⅖ and 12 homothetic cuboctahedrons with a proportion of ⅕.

28. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Cuboctahedron v2

Cuboctahedron - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a cuboctahedron. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner cuboctahedrons and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate cuboctahedrons to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic cuboctahedrons with an aspect ratio of √2 - 1 and 12 homothetic cuboctahedrons with a proportion of (√2 - 1)².

29. Mosely snowflake: Cuboctahedron

Mosely snowflake - Cuboctahedron

The Mosely snowflake is a type of Sierpinski-Menger fractal obtained in two variants by the operation used in creating the Sierpinski-Menger snowflake. In this case, we removed eight corner cuboctahedrons and the center cuboctahedron in each iteration.

30. Menger sponge: Truncated cuboctahedron

Menger sponge - Truncated cuboctahedron

Applying the construction principle of the Sierpinski carpet to 6 octagonal faces of the truncated cuboctahedron, we obtain a fractal truncated cuboctahedron. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct 8 new solids on octagonal faces of the original polyhedron, all with ⅓ the measurement of the truncated cuboctahedron’s edge. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

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31. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Truncated cuboctahedron v1

Truncated cuboctahedron - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a truncated cuboctahedron. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner truncated cuboctahedrons and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate truncated cuboctahedrons to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic truncated cuboctahedrons with an aspect ratio of ⅖ and 12 homothetic truncated cuboctahedrons with a proportion of ⅕.

32. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Truncated cuboctahedron v2

Truncated cuboctahedron - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a truncated cuboctahedron. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner truncated cuboctahedrons and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate truncated cuboctahedrons to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic truncated cuboctahedrons with an aspect ratio of √2 - 1 and 12 homothetic truncated cuboctahedrons with a proportion of (√2 - 1)².

33. Mosely snowflake: Truncated cuboctahedron

Mosely snowflake - Truncated cuboctahedron

The Mosely snowflake is a type of Sierpinski-Menger fractal obtained in two variants by the operation used in creating the Sierpinski-Menger snowflake. In this case, we removed eight corner truncated cuboctahedrons and the center truncated cuboctahedron in each iteration.

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Licença Creative Commons
Archimedean polyhedra fractals - Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality by Paulo Henrique Siqueira is licensed with a license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.

How to cite this work:

Siqueira, P.H., "Archimedean polyhedra fractals - Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality". Available in: <>, October 2023.


Weisstein, Eric W. “Fractal” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Archimedean Solid” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
McCooey, David I. “Visual Polyhedra”.