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Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in A-frame

author: Paulo Henrique Siqueira - Universidade Federal do Paraná
versão em português

Non convex polyhedra fractals

Using the same principle as the construction of the Sierpinski triangle or the Koch curve, we can construct fractals from other regular polygons. When these polygons form a polyhedron, we have the construction of a fractal polyhedron.

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Augmented Reality

To view fractal polyhedra in AR, simply visit the pages indicated in the 3D solid models using any browser with a webcam device (smartphone, tablet or notebook).
Access to the VR sites is done by clicking on the blue circle that appears on top of the marker.

Augmented Reality to fractal polyhedra

Augmented Reality to fractal polyhedra

3D models

1. Escher solid fractal

Escher solid fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Sierpinski triangle to the 48 faces of the Escher solid, we obtain an Escher solid fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 48 72 26
1 12 576 864 312
2 144 6912 10368 3744
3 1728 82944 124416 44928

2. Small stellated dodecahedron fractal

Small stellated dodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to the 12 faces of the small stellated dodecahedron, we obtain a small stellated dodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 12 30 12
1 12 144 360 144
2 144 1728 4320 1728
3 1728 20736 51840 20736

3. Great stellated dodecahedron fractal

Great stellated dodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to the 12 faces of the great stellated dodecahedron, we obtain a great stellated dodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 12 30 20
1 21 252 630 420
2 441 5292 13230 8820
3 9261 111132 277830 185220

4. Great icosahedron fractal

Great icosahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to the 20 faces of the great icosahedron, we obtain a great icosahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 20 30 12
1 12 240 360 144
2 144 2880 4320 1728
3 1728 34560 51840 20736

5. Great dodecahedron fractal

Joined Truncated Icosahedron

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to the 12 faces of the great dodecahedron, we obtain a great dodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 12 30 12
1 12 144 360 144
2 144 1728 4320 1728
3 1728 20736 51840 20736

6. Great stellapentakis dodecahedron fractal

Great stellapentakis dodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 20 faces of the great stellapentakis dodecahedron, we obtain a great stellapentakis dodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 20 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 60 90 32
1 21 1260 1890 672
2 441 26460 39690 14112
3 9261 555660 833490 296352

7. Pentagramic dipyramid fractal

Pentagramic dipyramid fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to the edges that form the pentagram of the pentagramic dipyramid, we obtain a pentagramic dipyramid fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 5 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 10 15 7
1 6 60 90 42
2 36 360 540 252
3 216 2160 3240 1512
4 1296 12960 19440 9072

8. Medial triambic icosahedron fractal

Medial triambic icosahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 faces of the medial triambic icosahedron, we obtain a medial triambic icosahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 20 60 24
1 13 260 780 312
2 169 3380 10140 4056
3 2197 43940 131820 52728

9. Great rhombic triacontahedron fractal

Great rhombic triacontahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 20 faces of the great rhombic triacontahedron, we obtain a great rhombic triacontahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 20 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 30 60 32
1 21 630 1260 672
2 441 13230 26460 14112
3 9261 277830 555660 296352

10. Medial rhombic triacontahedron fractal

Medial rhombic triacontahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 faces of the medial rhombic triacontahedron, we obtain a medial rhombic triacontahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 30 60 24
1 13 390 780 312
2 169 5070 10140 4056
3 2197 65910 131820 52728

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11. Small ditrigonal dodecacronic hexecontahedron fractal

Small ditrigonal dodecacronic hexecontahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 faces of the small ditrigonal dodecacronic hexecontahedron, we obtain a small ditrigonal dodecacronic hexecontahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 60 120 44
1 13 780 1560 572
2 169 10140 20280 7436
3 2197 131820 263640 96668

12. Rhombicosacron fractal

Rhombicosacron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 20 faces of the rhombicosacron, we obtain a rhombicosacron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 20 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 60 120 50
1 21 1260 2520 1050
2 441 26460 52920 22050
3 9261 555660 1111320 463050

13. Small hexacronic icositetrahedron fractal

Small hexacronic icositetrahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 6 faces of the small hexacronic icositetrahedron, we obtain a small hexacronic icositetrahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 6 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 24 48 20
1 7 168 336 140
2 49 1176 2352 980
3 343 8232 16464 6860

14. Great triakis octahedron fractal

Great triakis octahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 8 faces of the great triakis octahedron, we obtain a great triakis octahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 8 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 24 36 14
1 9 216 324 126
2 81 1944 2916 1134
3 729 17496 26244 10216

15. Great disdyakis dodecahedron fractal

Great disdyakis dodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 8 faces of the great disdyakis dodecahedron, we obtain a great disdyakis dodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 8 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 48 72 20
1 9 432 648 180
2 81 3888 5832 1620
3 729 34992 52488 14580

16. Small rhombidodecacron fractal

Small rhombidodecacron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 faces of the small rhombidodecacron, we obtain a small rhombidodecacron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 60 120 42
1 13 780 1560 546
2 169 10140 20280 7098
3 2197 131820 263640 92274

17. Great triakis icosahedron fractal

Great triakis icosahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 faces of the great triakis icosahedron, we obtain a great triakis icosahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 faces of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 60 90 32
1 13 780 1170 416
2 169 10140 15210 5408
3 2197 131820 197730 70304

18. Great truncated icosahedron fractal

Great truncated icosahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 faces of the great truncated icosahedron, we obtain a great truncated icosahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 faces of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 32 90 60
1 13 416 1170 780
2 169 5408 15210 10140
3 2197 70304 197730 131820

19. Pentagrammic dipyramid fractal

Pentagrammic dipyramid fractal

Applying the principle of repetition of solids at vertices of the pentagrammic dipyramid, we obtain a pentagrammic dipyramid fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertice of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 10 15 7
1 6 60 90 42
2 11 110 165 77
3 21 210 315 147
4 41 410 615 287
5 81 810 1215 567

20. Heptagrammic dipyramid fractal

Pentagrammic dipyramid fractal

Applying the principle of repetition of solids at vertices of the heptagrammic dipyramid, we obtain a heptagrammic dipyramid fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertice of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 14 21 9
1 8 112 168 72
2 15 210 315 135
3 29 406 609 261
4 57 798 1197 513
5 113 1582 2373 1017

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21. Great pentakis dodecahedron fractal

Great Pentakis Dodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 vertices of the great pentakis dodecahedron, we obtain a great pentakis dodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 60 90 24
1 13 780 1170 312
2 169 10140 15210 4056
3 2197 131820 197730 52728

22. Icosidodecadodecahedron fractal

icosidodecadodecahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 faces of the icosidodecadodecahedron, we obtain an icosidodecadodecahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 faces of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 44 120 60
1 13 572 1560 780
2 169 7436 20280 10140
3 2197 96668 263640 131820

23. Rhombicosahedron fractal

Rhombicosahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 faces of the rhombicosahedron, we obtain an rhombicosahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 faces of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 50 120 60
1 13 650 1560 780
2 169 8450 20280 10140
3 2197 109850 263640 131820

24. Medial inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron fractal

Medial inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to 12 vertices of the medial inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron, we obtain a medial inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at 12 vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 60 150 84
1 13 780 1950 1092
2 169 10140 25350 14196
3 2197 131820 329550 184548

25. Heptagrammic dipyramid fractal

Heptagrammic dipyramid fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to vertices of the heptagrammic dipyramid, we obtain a heptagrammic dipyramid fractal. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at vertices of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 14 21 9
1 8 112 168 72
2 64 896 1344 576
3 512 7168 10752 4608
4 4096 57344 86016 36864

26. Hexagonal trapezohedron-antiprism toroid fractal

Hexagonal trapezohedron-antiprism toroid fractal

Applying the Antoine necklace construction principle to a hexagonal trapezohedron-antiprism toroid, we obtain a fractal of the hexagonal trapezohedron-antiprism toroid. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 24 48 24
1 16 384 768 384
2 256 6144 12288 6144
3 4096 98304 196608 98304

27. Tetragonal toroid fractal

Tetragonal toroid fractal

Applying the Antoine necklace construction principle to a tetragonal toroid, we obtain a fractal of the tetragonal toroid. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 18 36 18
1 16 288 576 288
2 256 4608 9216 4608
3 4096 73728 147456 73728

28. Hexagonal trapezohedron toroid fractal

Hexagonal trapezohedron toroid fractal

Applying the Antoine necklace construction principle to a hexagonal trapezohedron toroid, we obtain a fractal of the hexagonal trapezohedron toroid. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 24 60 36
1 16 384 960 576
2 256 6144 15360 9216
3 4096 98304 245760 147456

29. Hexagonal antiprism-trapezohedron toroid fractal

Hexagonal antiprism-trapezohedron toroid fractal

Applying the Antoine necklace construction principle to a hexagonal antiprism-trapezohedron toroid, we obtain a fractal of the hexagonal antiprism-trapezohedron toroid. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 24 48 24
1 16 384 768 384
2 256 6144 12288 6144
3 4096 98304 196608 98304

30. Anti-octagonal iris toroid fractal

Anti-octagonal iris toroid fractal

Applying the Antoine necklace construction principle to a anti-octagonal iris toroid, we obtain a fractal of the anti-octagonal iris toroid. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 32 48 16
1 16 512 768 256
2 256 8192 12288 4096
3 4096 131072 196608 65536

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31. Geometric Christmas tree v1

Geometric Christmas tree v1

Construction of a Christmas tree using the following solids: right circular cone frustum, pyramid frustums, a pentagrammic dipyramid and a conical helix with dodecahedrons.

32. Geometric Christmas tree v2

Geometric Christmas tree v2

Construction of a Christmas tree using the following solids: right circular cone frustum, pyramid frustums, a pentagrammic dipyramid and a conical helix with small stellated dodecahedrons.

33. Geometric Christmas tree v3

Geometric Christmas tree v3

Construction of a Christmas tree using the following solids: right circular cone frustum, pyramid frustums, a heptagrammic dipyramid and a conical helix with great stellapentakis dodecahedrons.

34. Geometric Christmas tree v4

Geometric Christmas tree v4

Construction of a Christmas tree using the following solids: right circular cone frustum, stellated pyramid frustums, a heptagrammic dipyramid and a conical helix with icosahedrons.

35. Geometric Christmas tree v5

Geometric Christmas tree v5

Construction of a Christmas tree using the following solids: right circular cone frustum, stellated pyramid frustums, a heptagrammic dipyramid and a conical helix with icosidodecadodecahedrons.

36. Geometric Christmas tree v6

Geometric Christmas tree v6

Construction of a Christmas tree using the following solids: right circular cone frustum, stellated pyramid frustums, a heptagrammic dipyramid and a conical helix with truncated great icosahedrons.

37. Geometric Christmas tree v7

Geometric Christmas tree v7

Construction of a Christmas tree using the following solids: right circular cone frustum, stellated pyramid frustums, a pentagrammic dipyramid and a conical helix with small rhombidodecacrons.

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Licença Creative Commons
Non convex polyhedra fractals - Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality by Paulo Henrique Siqueira is licensed with a license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.

How to cite this work:

Siqueira, P.H., "Non convex polyhedra fractals - Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality". Available in: <>, October 2023.


Weisstein, Eric W. “Fractal” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Uniform Polyhedron.” From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
McCooey, David I. “Visual Polyhedra”.