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Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in A-frame

author: Paulo Henrique Siqueira - Universidade Federal do Paraná
versão em português

Platonic polyhedra fractals

Using the same principle as the construction of the Sierpinski triangle or the Koch curve, we can construct fractals from other regular polygons. When these polygons form a polyhedron, we have the construction of a fractal polyhedron.

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Augmented Reality

To view fractal polyhedra in AR, simply visit the pages indicated in the 3D solid models using any browser with a webcam device (smartphone, tablet or notebook).
Access to the VR sites is done by clicking on the blue circle that appears on top of the marker.

Augmented Reality to fractal polyhedra

Augmented Reality to fractal polyhedra

3D models

1. Fractal tetrahedron

Fractal Tetrahedron

Applying the construction principle of the Sierpinski triangle to the 4 faces of the regular tetrahedron, we obtain a regular fractal tetrahedron. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 4 6 4
1 4 16 24 16
2 16 64 96 64
3 64 256 384 256
4 256 1024 1536 1024

2. Fractal octahedron


Applying the construction principle of the Sierpinski triangle to the 8 faces of the regular octahedron, we obtain a regular fractal octahedron. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 8 12 6
1 6 48 72 36
2 36 288 432 216
3 216 1728 2592 1296
4 1296 10368 15552 7776

3. Fractal cube

Fractal Cube

Applying the construction principle of the Sierpinski carpet to the 6 faces of the cube, we obtain a fractal cube. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct 8 new solids on each face of the original polyhedron, all with ⅓ the measurement of the cube’s edge. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 6 12 8
1 20 120 240 160
2 400 2400 4800 3200
3 8000 48000 96000 64000

4. Fractal icosahedron

Fractal Icosahedron

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to the 20 faces of the regular icosahedron, we obtain a regular fractal icosahedron. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 20 30 12
1 12 240 360 144
2 144 2880 4320 1728
3 1728 34560 51840 20736

5. Fractal dodecahedron

Fractal Dodecahedron

Applying the construction principle of the Koch curve to the 12 faces of the regular dodecahedron, we obtain a regular fractal dodecahedron. In the first order of fractal construction, we construct a new solid at each vertex of the original polyhedron. In this example, we have representations of the solid in orders 0, 1, 2 and 3.

order polyhedra faces edges vertices
0 1 12 30 20
1 20 240 600 400
2 400 4800 12000 8000
3 8000 96000 240000 160000

6. Tetrahedron dragon fractal

Tetrahedron dragon fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Dragon curve with regular tetrahedron, we obtain a tetrahedron dragon fractal. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct two new tetrahedra corresponding to one original polyhedron. In this example, we have solid representations in orders from 0 to 10.

7. Fractal tree

Fractal tree

Applying the principle of repetitions with cone frustum, we obtain a fractal tree. In the first order of construction the fractal, we build three new cone frustums connected with a face of the original cone frustum. In this example, we have solid representations in orders from 0 to 7.

8. Fractal tree with dodecahedrons

Fractal tree with dodecahedrons

Applying the principle of repetitions with cone frustum, we obtain a fractal tree. In this example, we added dodecahedrons as the “fruits” or “flowers” of the tree. In the first order of construction the fractal, we build three new cone frustums connected with a face of the original cone frustum. In this example, we have solid representations in orders from 0 to 7.

9. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Cube v1

Fractal Cube - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a fractal cube. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner cubes and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate cubes to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic cubes with an aspect ratio of ⅖ and 12 homothetic cubes with a proportion of ⅕.

10. Menger's Cross - Jerusalem: Cube v2

Fractal Cube - Menger's cross Jerusalem

Consider a fractal cube. We can increase the edge sizes of the corner cubes and decrease the edge sizes of the intermediate cubes to reveal a cross. In this version, we have 8 homothetic cubes with an aspect ratio of √2 - 1 and 12 homothetic cubes with a proportion of (√2 - 1)².

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11. Mosely snowflake: Cube

Mosely snowflake - Cube

The Mosely snowflake is a type of Sierpinski-Menger fractal obtained in two variants by the operation used in creating the Sierpinski-Menger snowflake. In this case, we removed eight corner cubes and the center cube from each previous iteration.

12. Fractal tree with icosahedrons

Fractal tree with icosahedrons

Applying the principle of repetitions with cone frustum, we obtain a fractal tree. In this example, we added icosahedrons as the “fruits” or “flowers” of the tree. In the first order of construction the fractal, we build three new cone frustums connected with a face of the original cone frustum. In this example, we have solid representations in orders from 0 to 7.

13. Tetrahedron dragon fractal (3 rotations)

Tetrahedron dragon fractal 3 rotations

Applying the construction principle of the Dragon curve with regular tetrahedron and 3 rotations, we obtain a tetrahedron dragon fractal. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct three new tetrahedra corresponding to one original polyhedron. In this example, we have solid representations in orders from 0 to 10.

14. Cube dragon fractal

Cube dragon fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Dragon curve with a cube and 3 rotations, we obtain a cube dragon fractal. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct three new cube corresponding to one original polyhedron. In this example, we have solid representations in orders from 0 to 10.

15. Octahedron dragon fractal

Octahedron dragon fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Dragon curve with a regular octahedron and 3 rotations, we obtain a octahedron dragon fractal. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct three new octahedra corresponding to one original polyhedron. In this example, we have solid representations in orders from 0 to 10.

16. Icosahedron dragon fractal

Icosahedron dragon fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Dragon curve with a regular icosahedron and 3 rotations, we obtain a icosahedron dragon fractal. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct three new icosahedra corresponding to one original polyhedron. In this example, we have solid representations in orders from 0 to 10.

17. Dodecahedron dragon fractal

Dodecahedron dragon fractal

Applying the construction principle of the Dragon curve with a regular dodecahedron and 3 rotations, we obtain a dodecahedron dragon fractal. In the first order of construction of the fractal, we construct three new dodecahedra corresponding to one original polyhedron. In this example, we have solid representations in orders from 0 to 10.

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Licença Creative Commons
Platonic polyhedra fractals - Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality by Paulo Henrique Siqueira is licensed with a license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.

How to cite this work:

Siqueira, P.H., "Platonic polyhedra fractals - Visualization of polyhedra with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality". Available in: <>, October 2023.


Weisstein, Eric W. “Fractal” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
Weisstein, Eric W. “Platonic Solid” From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
McCooey, David I. “Visual Polyhedra”.